Review: Royal Smushi Cafe, Copenhagen

royal_smushi_cafe_dailydecorum Ah those Danes. Those stylish buggers.

I recently returned from a long weekend in Copenhagen with my sister. It was, sadly, freezing cold, meaning photographic evidence of my trip is scanty. It was just too cold to get my camera out. However, I did discover a hidden gem in our desperate quest to get warm: the Royal Smushi Cafe.

We stumbled across the Smushi Cafe quite accidentally. We were wandering down Amagertov, bemoaning our numbed fingers, and from the corner of my eye, I spotted the sign for the cafe down a little alleyway. We wandered in.


What we found was a true haven: the most wonderful space that, despite the crazy high ceilings, was amazingly cosy. I fell in love immediately with the large tea tins lined up behind the bar, while my sister was drawn to the selection of cakes on the quirky counter. Then I looked up and saw the wallpapered ceiling, with the stunning chandelier. And then I looked down and fell in love all over again with the white tiled ceramic 'parquet' floor (hello! WHY do we not see this idea more often?)


The cafe specialises in 'smushi' - its own invention, a combination of the words 'sushi' and 'smørrebrød' - the famous Danish open sandwich.


The smushi, and the cakes, were incredible. So incredible we returned three times.

If you're in Copenhagen, Royal Smushi Cafe is essential as a visit to Hay, methinks.